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Our society has a long list of ailments:
Ineffective education system
Toxic masculinity
High national debt
Stigmas against mental health
And the list goes on...
Although many people and organizations are struggling to resolve issues in society, a solution has not yet been found that leads us to the healing we need, to the harmony we crave, and a model for living that allows adaptability to individual circumstances.
We believe that solutions do exist for society’s biggest problems, but we recognize that these solutions will require change.
Change the way we:
Do business
Educate ourselves
Educate our children
Enact laws
Organize communities

We do not believe these changes are out of reach.
It will not require superhuman heroes
It depends on people like you and me
People with families
People who want to live well
People who are willing to make a difference in small ways
In short it will depend on social change. On people working together to find solutions that work for them, where they are at.
Who are we?
We are a community – a gathering of men, women, parents, children, grandparents, and citizens who are stepping up to make the change instead of waiting for it.
In the words of our founder Allen Levie our ultimate goal at the John and Abigail Institute For Social Change is,
“A new optimal engagement between people, replacing the infrastructure, both the physical and the nonphysical environments with which we’ve become accustomed. Agriculture and urban life integrated together for the whole world, all 7 billion people, by the time my baby boy finishes college in 29 years (2050). People would be living in the equivalent geographic space between N. Carolina, Florida and Texas, choosing and loving every aspect of it.”
Get In Touch
Get In Touch
42I South 2oo East
Spanish Fork, Ut 8466o
Call Allen (but text first)
(54o) 8I7-544I