What is the John and Abigail’s Center for Social Change?

J&A will be an umbrella organization that will provide networking and consulting resources for organizations and individuals seeking to be involved in social change.

 Included in the network will be social change businesses that focus on everything from education and hands-on learning to community development and public health. Each organization will be unique in its vision and methods. Initially, these organizations will be founded and organized directly by the Institute, but as the institute matures, new social change businesses will be started by outside partners seeking assistance from the institute.

 Ultimately, J&A is to be the lubricant that keeps the engine of social change working as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Who is John and Abigail?

John and Abigail Adams lived during the 1700’s and played critical roles in the Revolutionary War as well as the founding of The United States of America.

The center is named after them because of their remarkable marriage. In surviving letters, we can see a relationship that relied on mutual trust and a vested interest in each other’s priorities. They wrote to each other about everything from household finances, family relationships, military strategy, and politics. John and Abigail worked arm in arm to resolve problems that ranged from family squabbles to national crises. Each were intelligent, passionate individuals with unique gifts. They were also deeply committed to their relationship, lifting each other up and accomplishing more together than either could alone.

John and Abigail worked to improve their relationship so they could tackle problems together. They built their family using the same methods. And by working with others to build their community and nation, they had a direct impact on millions of lives. 

 We believe that by following their lead, we too can influence millions of lives today even given our very different circumstances.