LifeCast App

The LifeCast app is a tool to enhance the relationship we have with technology and social media to assist us as we work to make social change a reality. Unlike prevalent social media platforms today, Lifecast is meant to be a whole-person view of someone’s past, present, and future is meant to encourage and facilitate face-to-face interaction. 

Lifecast serves as a living portfolio, showcasing the best projects, writing, and accomplishments of the user. This portfolio is far more than a snapshot of only positive moments. Users must be willing to be vulnerable in the present so they can engage with their relations and receive help and advice. While encouraging users to to update their progress in areas such as current personal growth and social change projects, the app also allows users to provide feedback to other users. This will require humility on the part of all users as they help one another identify areas in their life that need further attention and nurturing; however, by engaging their personal relations in this way, users will learn to look outside themselves, develop more substantial personal connections, and strive for social change.  Read the corresponding chapter of the book.