Million Dreams Conference
Introducing J&A Social Change and Funding the New City
The Million Dreams Conference is a forum for social entrepreneurs and all those seeking social change to come together to brainstorm, debate, and create new methods and organizations. The conference will happen in two distinct parts. The first conference is for those who are interested in building the J&A Center and partner organizations. Attendees will be social entrepreneurs with business ideas and strategies for social change. They’ll bring their ideas and skillsets and work together to launch the Center, its partner organizations, and other businesses geared toward social change.
In the second conference, aspiring social entrepreneurs will pitch their business ideas to Center stakeholders and get the help and intellectual support they need to refine and launch their businesses. As their businesses succeed, they will give back to the Center to help others. Read the corresponding chapter of the book.
Read the Latest on Million Dreams:
Million Dreams Articles in Progress: What do you want to know?
We are in the process of writing blog articles about the Million Dreams Conference. Here is a list of titles we're working on: Who’s invited and how to find them Is the Million Dreams Conference self-serving? Conferences turned inside out The 5 Billion Dollar goal and...