Simulations Center and Experiential Learning
Take your learning to the next level with real-time simulations
The second catalyst for social change is experiential learning. The more experience we have, the better able we are to make decisions, face problems, and strengthen relationships. Unfortunately, we don’t have time to personally experience everything. Experiential learning makes use of simulations to create lived experience at a faster rate.
The Simulations Center will help people create, share, and experience simulations. These simulations allow people to learn through experience so they are prepared to make decisions and create change effectively. Read the corresponding chapter of the book.
Read the latest on the Simulations Center:
Simulations Center Articles in Progress: What do you want to know?
We are in the process of writing blog articles about the Simulations Center and experiential learning. Here is a list of titles we're working on: Accountability Credentials Credibility Facades Reality shows Movements Playing for the crowd vs playing for self Hidden...