16 Solutions 

J&A Center will first help heal the generation through the “Hearts To Children” courses for ages 55+ and the young-adult pre-college years. If you missed it, here is the link to the Hearts To Children page.

Not only will this provide a great example of what social change is and spread the basic module of 4 individuals working together that we will need across a very important segment of society, it will also provide the funding to bring on the first 100 people who will help launch all 16 subsidiary organizations listed below. They will work together to do the heavy lifting of the Center.

Stewardship for the “3 Social Change Catalysts”

When the 3 social change catalysts are well applied and then combined together almost any part of society will experience a long sought after transformation. Understanding what these catalysts are and how they can best be applied, and applied together, is a monumental task. Each of the 3 organizations will be using the catalyst in a niche way which will help them go deeper into understanding the catalyst, but they will also be sought after for consulting about how to best mix their particular catalyst with others in the course of social change.

If we can optimize how often and how well we communicate with and engage our personal-relations, we will enable lasting societal change. 3D Learning is an educational philosophy that allows learning to be connected to and supported by a network of personal relationships. Learn more

We often learn best through experience. The Simulations Center provides tools allowing people to work through problems and make decisions via role-playing experiences. Learn more

There is massive power in visual media, much of which is misdirected. At the Archive Studio, social entrepreneurs can record content that will inspire real social change by using the innovative principles and tools of personal, family, and neighborhood engagement. Learn more

Education Solutions

For the social change catalysts to be effective, we will need a shift in education and a renewed focus on the family unit. The Center includes three distinct educational organizations that serve the needs of college students, whole family units, and older generations. These organizations are unique—inspired by and built to serve the needs of each group. They support each other, but are completely independent entities.

A college supplement that enables students to enhance and deepen their learning experiences while creating social change. Learn more

A higher-learning experience for entire family units. Learn more

A program for those 55+ to help them build personal relationships, improve communication, and heal the generation gap.. Learn more

Infrastructure Solutions

We are at a unique intersection created by the aftermath of the Industrial Revolution, rapid technological advancement, and widespread use of the internet and digital communication. We are the product of all of society’s advances, discoveries, and mistakes. Participating in social change now will require different methods and catalysts than in any other era.

Optimize Visual Media and Create a Living Portfolio

The Lifecast app is a platform for people to engage visual media in a meaningful way. Unlike prevalent social media platforms today, Lifecast is meant to be a whole-person view of someone’s past, present, and future. Lifecast is also designed to encourage face-to-face interaction. Imagine Lifecast as the dashboard for your life: you can check your speed (rate of learning, epiphanies, progress, etc.), monitor how effective your relationships are, and receive early warnings of issues.

This platform serves as a living portfolio, showcasing the best projects, writing, and accomplishments of the user. At the same time, Lifecast is far more than a snapshot of only positive moments. Users must be willing to be vulnerable in the present so they can engage with their relations and receive help and advice. The Lifecast app will also encourage users to look outside of themselves and strive for social change.  Learn more

Physical surroundings can have a significant impact on our relationships and our ability to enact meaningful social change. The City Plat (also known as the Family Campus) is a plan for physical infrastructure that will allow families to better take their place as the center of society and help communities grow and flourish. 

One of the key elements of the City Plat model is its focus on engagement density, or the optimal size of groups to ensure each individual is seen as a whole person. This model helps individuals thrive, strengthen their families, and have an impact on their communities in the most effective way. 

Building a City Plat will take significant effort and support, but we believe the sooner we make this model a reality, the sooner we can help transform society for the better.

“In 2014 I was fortunate to help a team that for many years has been led by David Hall conceptualizing and experimenting with components of his NewVista urban development model accessed at NewVistaFoundation.org.  The principles that undergird JohnandAbigail.com work well with many NewVista principles. I look forward to the day when a NewVistas style community is fully operational.”  Learn more

—Allen Levie, Founder at JohnandAbigail.com

NewVista 10 Book Chapters:


Are you able to make a difference as a person, a family, and a community? 

Take a moment to think about all of the things in your life that could use changing. Would you like to change your health, financial situation, habits, or spirituality? What about your family relationships and communication? Now think about the world outside of your home. What trends would you change—debt, domestic violence, enslavement and sex trafficking, political conflict, agricultural issues, spiritual decline? Now, how much control do you think you have over the necessary changes in these areas?

In order to bring about real social reform, we have to first be able to recognize and increase our capacity for change.  Learn more

Other Founding Organizations

These additional 7 founding organizations not only demonstrate how we use the J&A catalysts and principles, each one serves a key role in the actual changes we feel need to take place, to both heal from the aftermath of the industrial age and to make the other 9 organizations work best.


Abigail’s Oven is a natural, 3-ingredient sourdough bakery in Spanish Fork, Utah. The sourdough bread is delicious and nutritious, but you may wonder how a bakery can bring about social change. At Abigail’s Oven, we believe that improving gut health, bringing back real bread, and creating a supportive community will have an impact on our lives.

Even more peculiar is the 3 phase business model in which we first educate and produce enough bread to eventually max out the facility at 12,000 loaves per week, then in phase 2, more deeply teach locally about the bread and how to make it in their families and local neighborhoods. Phase 3 is where we double down on this with local community brick oven options, healing neighborhoods and bringing them together with the objective of making bread so plentiful, fresh and locally customizable that we completely close the bakery down. Learn more at abigailsoven.com. This demonstrates the new institutional mantra described previously where businesses “work their way out of a job as families and communities do their job better than they can”.

Your Sourdough Start is a sister company to Abigail’s Oven that will help you bring the health benefits and delicious taste of sourdough to your own kitchen. With online classes and help from master bakers, you can learn to grow and care for a soudough start and bake fresh, nutritious bread. Get all the health benefits of real sourdough and bring your family closer together at yoursourdoughstart.com.

Our current legislative system is not tied to societal improvement. Laws should improve our world and become obsolete as society moves in a positive direction. Unfortunately, legislators do not often understand human nature in this way—our ability to improve and enact meaningful social change. This misunderstanding leads to a system based on force instead of choice. Elections 360° uses what we call a “new engagement density” (patterns of social change in relation to population density) and the tools of the Center to create new legislative processes. Elections are a key access point for deep social change, penetrating well beyond the winners and the losers of a given election.    Learn more

Coming soon. To learn more or join the market research group or launch team, contact us.

Elocution is a vital element of personal growth and social change. Elocution—the skill of speaking effectively through vocal production and gestures—helps us communicate who we are with others. Elocution 360° recognizes the pivotal role speaking well plays in social change and helps us all communicate more authentically and persuasively. Unlike public speaking courses, Elocution 360° focuses on personal growth and local communication first.    Learn more

Coming soon. To learn more or join the market research group or launch team, contact us.

What is the purpose of dating? How do we do it right? Dating Shift introduces a methodology that shifts the orientation of families as they are first conceived and created. Then, couples and families learn to perpetually renew that orientation to help the process of change win over dissociated, even disorienting events.    Learn more

Coming soon. To learn more or join the market research group or launch team, contact us.

In standard business conferences, presenters prepare slide decks and material and participants select sessions to attend. With the exception of a short Q&A period, audience members are generally passive. In the Conference 360° model, this gathering moves more toward what may be called a “scenario forecasting” approach. Attendees study the experts’ material beforehand and come not as individual containers to be filled, but as actors ready to contribute. They come in groups that already have momentum with the presenters’ material and are in the process of active change.    Learn more

Coming soon. To learn more or join the market research group or launch team, contact us.

The Million Dreams Conference is a forum for social entrepreneurs and all those seeking social change to come together to brainstorm, debate, and create new methods and organizations.

The conference will use Conference 360 methods outlined earlier. It will happen in two distinct parts. The first conference is for those who are interested in building the J&A Center and partner organizations. Attendees will be social entrepreneurs with business ideas and strategies for social change. They’ll bring their ideas and skillsets and work together to launch the Center, its partner organizations, and other businesses geared toward social change.

In the second conference, aspiring social entrepreneurs will pitch their business ideas to Center stakeholders and get the help and intellectual support they need to refine and launch their businesses. As their businesses succeed, they will give back to the Center to help others. In particular, it is hoped that the capital can be raised to fund the family campus prototypes.    Learn more